What is the Recommended R-Value for Attic Insulation in Miami Beach, FL?

When it comes to insulation, the R-value measures how effectively it can divert heat. The type of heating and cooling system in your home will determine the R-value you need in your attic. Homes powered by oil or natural gas require an R-value of 38, while those with electric furnaces need an R-value of 38 to 49. The R-value is a measure of the insulation's ability to resist heat transfer. The higher the R-value, the better the thermal performance of the insulation.

The table below shows what levels of insulation are cost-effective for different climates and locations in the home. In Miami Beach, FL, the recommended R-value for an uninsulated attic is 30 to 60, for an existing insulated attic it's 25 to 38, and for the floor it's 13 to 19. Before installing additional insulation, make sure that your roof or walls can support any additional weight. A good thermal barrier along the building envelope, such as high-R-value insulation in walls, attic and raised floors, as well as multi-paned glass, can help reduce conduction. You can measure the thickness of your attic insulation with a ruler and multiply the number of inches by the R-value of that particular insulation to get an insulation rating. According to the Florida Building Code, floor insulation must be a minimum of R-13, significantly lower than the required roof insulation values. This approach is allowed in the Florida Building Code and requires that certain conditions be met regarding insulation, air permeability, and attic air barrier. The effectiveness of an insulated wall or ceiling also depends on how and where the insulation is installed.

Insulation helps reduce the amount of heat flow no matter which direction it flows, reducing cooling and heating costs. The Florida Building Code requires that roof insulation materials have a minimum of R-30. This resistance, or R-value, refers to the performance of the insulation by measuring its resistance to heat flowing through it over time. Energy Monster recommends spray foam insulation for Florida residents because of its high R-value, its ability to create an airtight seal, and its moisture resistance. Schedule your spray foam insulation consultation today and we'll be happy to help you assess your home's insulation needs. The Hopkins Air Conditioning team knows all types of insulation and can guide you in choosing the best solution for your Palm Beach area home.

In most areas of Florida, it's rarely cost-effective to add wall insulation to an existing home.

Cassandra Paule
Cassandra Paule

Amateur coffee expert. Infuriatingly humble beer fan. Incurable pizza buff. Amateur twitter geek. Infuriatingly humble web advocate. Evil zombie ninja.